Setting Up a Walnut Garden
In walnuts, which live very long and are difficult to reproduce with vaccines, the ecological characteristics of the region must be known before establishing a garden.
Selection of Walnut
In walnuts, male and female flowers mature at different times (dichogamy) are common. In this case, male and female flowers are also matured homogam types and varieties, as well as male flowers are protandry and female flowers are mature (protogyny). Therefore, when setting up a walnut garden, a planting mixed with multiple varieties coming from the same period should either be preferred, either male and female flowers are also maturing (homogamy).
Planting Walnut Sapling
Although planting intervals vary according to ecological and maintenance conditions, the most ideal planting intervals in walnuts are; depending on the type, it is 10 x 10 m, 8 x 8 m, 8x4m, 7x7m.
Planting of seedlings begins in the rest period (from the leaf fall) and continues until the eyes wake up. Care must be taken to ensure that the roots are not damaged by removing the seedlings very carefully. During planting, especially root pruning should be done in seedlings. Planting pits should be 60 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. Saplings should be planted so that the vaccine points remain above the ground, and the pits should be filled with top soil in the garden. Immediately after planting, seedlings should be given life water. After planting, it should be cut 40-50 cm above, considering the development of the crown. From now on, seedlings must be connected to each other, taking into account the prevailing winds in the region. It is appropriate to mulch with weed or cereal stalks in order to prevent water loss after planting in areas with hot and dry summers and in low water resources.
Soil cultivation in walnut
In the spring, when the soil pan comes, a deep release is made. Soil cultivation in this period is very important in terms of weeding control besides soil aeration. In summer, soil cultivation can be done in terms of weed control depending on the situation. The version to be made with the plow in autumn is important for the rain and snow waters to be cultivated and kept in the soil. Care should be taken not to injure the roots while the soil is being processed.
Watering in Walnuts
Walnut trees have a large leaf surface as they are large and have wide branching. For this reason, it is very important to provide sufficient water for walnuts with high water loss through sweating.
It is very important for walnuts to meet the water requirement during the spring development, fruit growth and stuffing periods. Since the thirst situations in these periods will slow down growth and development, they will cause the fruits not to fill them sufficiently and the quality and efficiency will decrease.
One of the most important points to be considered in irrigation is to ensure that the water reaches the effective root level. In the first years of walnuts, it is necessary to water twice a week, taking into account the condition of the region and the water source. As irrigation method, one of the furrow irrigation, drip, drip and bottom sprinkler irrigation systems can be preferred. Chemical wastes etc. in watering walnuts. Any water that is not contaminated by harmful factors can be used.
Fertilization in Walnut Saplings
Walnuts are not a very sensitive plant in terms of fertilization if there is not a very extreme problem in the soil. However, due to its structure, the most important plant nutrient requirement may be nitrogen. According to the results of the soil analysis to be carried out, the nutrients missing in the soil should be given to the soil in a certain program.